There are currently 1 Pre-Schools/Kindergartens available in Glenalta. Among 1 Child Care Centres, 1 have achieved a rating of 'Meeting' or higher.All Pre-Schools/Kindergartens in Glenalta have undergone assessment and received ratings. They will undergo reassessment and re-rating every two years upon the provider's request. Please check back regularly for the latest updates.
If you cannot find a suitable childcare service for your kids, you can search in the following nearby suburbs: Belair, Hawthorndene and Blackwood
.No of Services | 1 |
No of Meeting Services | 1 |
*Services marked as NEW do not necessarily indicate a recent opening. If a service has been transferred to a new provider recently, the operational period will reset and the service will be marked as NEW.
1 Centre-Based Care and 1 Pre-Schools/Kindergartens
The most common NQS rating is Meeting.